You can support the aims of the foundation if you

  • can make work placements available in your firm for foreign pupils for two to three weeks
  • or look for a work placement abroad for your child and would accommodate a foreign child in your house as a counter
  • or want to help in finding work placements and accommodation

Please use the contact form or write to: or fax: 02364 509338.
Furthermore, you can support the aims of the foundation by donations. You find the donations account in the box on the right. According to the notification of the Inland Revenue Marl of 27 May 2019 the Elena Bless Foundation is authorized to issue donation confirmations for donations given for purposes in accordance to the rules.
Please send us a note with your address together with the donation if you would like to have a donation confirmation.
We thank the bank of the town of Haltern am See for the free bank account and for the account number which corresponds to Elena’s birthday.